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Medieval Castle

Tabletop RPGs

The shop has multiple tables that are compatible for people to run games of varying sizes from 4-5 on a single table to 8+ on two tables pushed together or using the war table and stools to run a game.

If there is a D&D game going on or starting up and has open space for players it will be listed below along with times and dates. If you are wanting to start up a game and would like to open it for players to join just let us know and it we can put it in this page as well as out on Facebook, Instagram, and Discord.

Fantasy World

D&D 5e

Every other Wednesday at 5 P.M.

There are currently 2 seats left open for the game, to claim one you can let us know that you would to join the table and we will adjust from there, or show up on the next day and see if there are still seats open. 

Next session: Wednesday Jan 31st

D&D 5e

Thursdays at 6 P.M.

This game is having a session 0 on Thursday Jan 25th at 6 P.M. there are 4 seats open to play for this game. If you want to join in please let us know or show up on Thursday! 

Planetary Desert



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